Every time I smell that perfume, I’m reminded of her gift to me

As I sit here and write this blog I am flooded by emotions and memories.  I am definitely a scents memory person.  In high school, my current boyfriend would absolutely not be allowed to wear the same scent as my previous one.  The smell of Jasmin blossoms will always remind me of the hotel I stayed at in Arizona while working with L’Oréal Fragrances.  And I was far more particular about my perfume selection for my wedding day than my shoes (sounds kind of silly now that I tell you all out loud).  So in saying all this you can begin to understand how it touched me to hear a friend say recently, “Every time I smell my Grandma’s perfume I’m reminded of the confidence and support she gave to
I recently had the pleasure to meet a fabulous mama named Inez.  Inez is the owner of G & L Chic shop
(click here to check out her sweet shop)  and recently her best friend/grandma was delivered
up to heaven.  Listening to Inez talk about how her Grandma motivated her to open
her shop and was always her biggest supporter and fan moved me to tears.


I so often think about the amazing people that have touched my life with their inspiration and support.  Guidance and comfort can come in so many different forms; an embrace, a nod, a well written note, a speech and sometimes the more obscure things, like a familiar smell of a motivating past friend right at the moment you need it most.

I am so grateful for these gifts in all their forms and I believe Inez was a gift to me: reminding me to hold close the memories of those who encouraged me.

Warm Wishes Always.

This post is written with fond remembrance of Ida Silva (March 28 – August 2015) and all the loved ones who have touched and continue to push you to live out your dreams.

-Bench under a Willow tree painting is credited to Kim Stenberg